About Me

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Hey, it's Chelsy, with a Y! I am a wife to my sweet prince, and mother to one spunky little princess and one handsome little ham of a prince. Painting is my drug of choice. Wine is good too. I'm known to speak without thinking and eat to much chocolate. I love meeting new people, and learning new things. So this is my journey through some not so glorious moments, some not so intelligent thoughts and some possibly crafty ideas.

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's my 40th....Blog! It's gonna be a good one :)

Here is a little bit of what we did on our rainy day! And yes she is still in her pj's!
Now on a more important note...I just read a very touching and heartfelt story while blog hopping and would encourange all of you lovely readers out in blogland to go on over and read it as well! Here is the link http://greysonsgift.blogspot.com/

Right now hopitals and funeral homes across the country are looking for small, very small blankets to wrap these sweet tiny babies in. In cases of fetal demise the babies are so tiny that even the smallest of blankets is much to big. So, this is where we come in! If you can sew or knit or crochet or know anyone who can you could greatly make even the smallest of differences. Hospitals and funeral homes are looking for blankets that measure 12x12 and 24x24.

This story has pulled at my heartstrings, I can't imagine what the families in need of these must have to endure, and if we can help make them more comfortable in even the smallest way then I know it will make a dramatic difference. I am looking at my sweet girl now and remembering how small she was when she was in the NICU and knowing these sweet babies are half the size she was, or smaller and can't imagine what that must be like, especially since she is currently running around the house in her Daddy's boots with the phone in one hand and a cookie in the other! (she's such a drama queen :)

I am going to go digging for some yarn and start on some blankets! I hope you all have a great weekend and if you are blessed enough to be getting some of this rain I hope your are able to enjoy it!

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