About Me

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Hey, it's Chelsy, with a Y! I am a wife to my sweet prince, and mother to one spunky little princess and one handsome little ham of a prince. Painting is my drug of choice. Wine is good too. I'm known to speak without thinking and eat to much chocolate. I love meeting new people, and learning new things. So this is my journey through some not so glorious moments, some not so intelligent thoughts and some possibly crafty ideas.

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bow Holders!

Hello Everybody!!
Isn't is a beautiful Sunday?! I thought I would show you all a new item that you might enjoy! I made this bow holder for my cousin's daughter and she thought it was wonderful so I figured I would let you all in on it also! The bow holders can be personalized just for you, with your little lady's initial. You can add polka dots or strips or whatever you want, just tell me the colors you would like! These bow holders are $10 and keep your bows all in one neat and organized place!

Hope you enjoy this wonderful day!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Woven Headbands

Happy Tuesday!

I just finished another order and got it in the mail and thought this would be a great time to let you all in on a new item! These woven headbands are super cute and can be customized for you! You can choose up to four colors, the pattern you get depends on the number of colors you choose! The picture below is made with two colors and creates a diamond effect! You can also get a matching bow for your headband!
Headbands are $6 and the bows are $4!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sincerely Events

Hello all!
My sisters-in-law Angela and Rebekah just recently started their own floral and event design business and they do excellent work! They also make some really awesome gift baskets for any occasion! Check out their website and give them a call for all your floral needs! They are very talented! http://www.sincerelyevents.com/default.html

This is a bouqet that Bekah made me for my birthday, isn't it beautiful?!

Angela and Bekah did a bridal show in Glen Rose this past weekend and asked me to make a few bows for them so here are a few pictures from that, I will post some pictures of some of their designs as soon as I get them! Thanks for reading!

This Calla Lily clip is great for your wedding or Easter!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring is here! And Summer is right around the corner!

These little creatures are so adorable and look even better in place, but my little lady doesn't have much hair so i'm not able to demonstrate! Each clip is $3 and the butterflies can be any color you want! These red, white and blue bows are just what your little lady needs this summer!

These little flip clips come in sets of two!-$5

Monday, March 16, 2009

Any bow you order can be put on an interchangable headband for an extra $3 that way you can just order hair clips and change them out, then when your little lady gets some hair you already have the clips for it!

These headbands are $3+ the cost of your bow!

Hair Clips and Interchangable Headbands

These flip clips are so adorable and can be made into a ladybug, dragonfly (below), butterfly or just a simple bow in any color.

These clips are $3 a piece or two matching ones for $5

Initial Bows

These bows can be made with your little lady's first initial, last initial, or both, use your imagination! (or make me use mine!) They are super cute and give your little one some much needed bling!

Initial bows are $6 for one letter and $8 for two or more!

Friday, March 13, 2009


Pinwheel Bow-$4
Layered Pinwheel-$6
Boutique Bow-$5
Layered Boutique-$7
Korker Bow-$6
Gerbera Daisy clip-$4
Ladybug clip-$3
Butterfly clip-$3
Dragonfly clip-$3
Flip clip-$3 (2for5)
Woven headband-$6
Woven headband w/bow-$10
Initial-$2 ($3for2)
Interchangable Headband-$3
Tu-tu-$10 for one color (add $2 for each extra color)

All layered bows can have up to 4 colors, regular bows can have 2 colors. Korker bows can have as many colors as you wish! Please leave a comment of email me if you have any questions!


All tu-tu's can be made with as many colors as you want although I've found that the less colors the better! They seem to be more puffy with one color than with two and so on! Tu-tu's are $10 for one color and $3 extra for every other color you want to add! They come in sizes from Newborn-5-6T!

Bows, bows, bows!

Here are a few pictures of bows that I have made for Taylor so you can get an idea of what you might like your bow to look like! This basic bow above is $4.00
Korker bows can have as many colors as you want and are $6.00

This layered boutique bow can have 2-3 colors of ribbon and is $5.00
This layered pinwheel bow is $5.00 and can have up to three colors!
This basic pinwheel bow can have two colors and is $3.00!

All bows can be put on either a french hair clip or an alligator clip. They can also be put on a headband, either elastic, cotton, crochet, or plastic. For and extra $3 bows can be put on an alligator clip and come with an interchangable headband. Please email me at chelsyphillips@gmail.com to order or if you have any questions!