About Me

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Hey, it's Chelsy, with a Y! I am a wife to my sweet prince, and mother to one spunky little princess and one handsome little ham of a prince. Painting is my drug of choice. Wine is good too. I'm known to speak without thinking and eat to much chocolate. I love meeting new people, and learning new things. So this is my journey through some not so glorious moments, some not so intelligent thoughts and some possibly crafty ideas.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

The (little) Man

Jaxon is fitting in quite nicely to our little family! He just turned 2 months old, but doesn't go to the pediatrician until next week. I will be sure and update you on all his stats as soon as we know! The little nugget is such a good baby! He has put himself on a nice 3-4 hour schedule. And....drumroll please....is sleeping all night! You heard me...He sleeps all night!! He eats about 10, then I rock him and he sleeps until 7:30-8! He's been doing this for about 2weeks, and has only had one night when he woke up to eat. We all love him so much and Big Sister is super proud!

Happy Thursday!

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