Wow...I can't believe it's been a whole month since my last post. Ummm...can you say "Slacker"? I can, and I do quite often. Anyway- Things have been pretty busy in the Phillips household lately:
Miss Taylor turned 2, and is learning lots of new and exciting things. Potty training being one of them. She is in full potty training mode and hating every second of it. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, any advice? When we first found out baby number 2 was on the way I told myself she would be potty trained before he got here because I WAS NOT buying two boxes of diapers. Uh...yeah...pretty sure I'm going to be buying two boxes of diapers!
Speaking of our little guy on the way- Things are going pretty well to say the least and I am so thankful I haven't had to be on bedrest with this little guy! My blood pressure has been a little high and my protien went up a bit at my last appt. but I feel great, 100 times better than I did the first go round, so I'm not worried and I'm hoping for a fairly normal delivery! I have about 8 weeks left...YIKES...I better get busy! We think we have a name, but aren't 100% so I don't want to announce anything just yet, but I promise I will let you know as soon as I do. Taylor is pretty excited about her little brother, I think! She will bring me toys and tell me she wants to give them to the baby, or at the store she will see things and tell me that we need to buy it for the baby! It's really sweet! Of course the other half of the time she is hitting me in the belly and telling me she doesn't want a baby, guess we will just wait and see what happens!
Let's see...what else has been going on? Taylor had a great Easter and was a pro at hunting eggs!
Here is a picture of Taylor and Cousin Owen last year at Easter, and then this year. I can't believe how much difference a year makes... can you?!
We've also been working on the car...Theres always something wrong with it!
And making beautiful works of art on the sidewalk...with the help of that darn cat, of course! He rarely leaves her side.
We've been swimming...Taylor picked out her swimsuit all by herself :)

We have also indulged in a few ice cream cones!
And just had fun being silly...
Some new milestones the little lady has accomplished is: *Counting to 15. *Saying most of her ABC's, she knows all the letters, just not the order they all go in! *She knows all of her shapes and colors. *And is speaking in complete sentences, most of the time :)