About Me

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Hey, it's Chelsy, with a Y! I am a wife to my sweet prince, and mother to one spunky little princess and one handsome little ham of a prince. Painting is my drug of choice. Wine is good too. I'm known to speak without thinking and eat to much chocolate. I love meeting new people, and learning new things. So this is my journey through some not so glorious moments, some not so intelligent thoughts and some possibly crafty ideas.

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Tails down, thumbs up!

This is a tails down bow that I made for my little lady and I have gotten so many compliments on it, I thought I would share it with all of you! ($5)Also, these are some bow holders that I made for my cousin, per her special request and wanted to share them also with you, they come in very handy and can hang anywhere! And for only $2 a piece you can't pass them up!

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